Nobody could imagine in the beginning that we would end up making five stop motion movies and a viral slogan contest. Well, how does CSID generate such good surprises?
We have listed all the projects, even the smaller ones, to show how the works evolved. Trust is essential, therefore to acquire it, clients propose first a small project, for example a visualization. But then it starts growing.
The visualization lead to a deeper analysis. Then the client discovered possibilities and one idea leads to another and the initial project of visualization has suddenly evolved to an ambitious slogan contest called
Where did the resources come from? CSID detects ideas people keep in their hearts. And you always find resources for your important ideas. The solution is participation. Several employees and even the director of the foundation participated in the 5 movies that were used for the slogan contest.
Mapping of the stakeholder of Health Promotion Switzerland (in German)
Expanded situational analysis (in German)
Selection of 6 ideas for gifts (in German)
Analysis of the propositions for the national communication campaign (in German)
Five stop motion movies
Slogan contest
Description of the slogan contest (in French)
Slideshow of the YourMove homepage (in French)
Movie-summary of the contest, including the principal metrics
Image concept for all media (in German)
A new game
The Projects
Mapping of the stakeholder of Health Promotion Switzerland (in German)
It started with a visualization project: mapping the stakeholders of Health Promotion Switzerland and visualizing the levels of the communication planning.
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Expanded situational analysis (in German): GFS Grundlagenanalysen
An essential part of our work is the situational analysis. Even if the client doesn’t ask for it, CSID analyses, profiles, and maps all the important elements of the company and its context. The file you find here contains more than the first analysis used for the stakeholder mapping. It has grown over the months to a valuable “resource file” on many different subjects, describing almost every aspect of the foundation’s activities, the subject of health promotion, and the new ways of using Internet like viral videos and social media.
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Selection of 6 ideas for gifts (in German)
After the first mappings, CSID carried out a research project on sustainable gifts for partners of the foundation
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Analysis of the propositions for the national communication campaign (in German): GFS Analyse der Kampagne 2009
The next project started as another analysis. We analyzed the proposition of the foundation’s agency made for the nation wide communication campaign. Our task was to check the coherence and the visual horizon of the propositions, as well as the set of unexploited possibilities. The main objective was to facilitate decision.
This lead to something completely different. Our campaign analysis made it clear that there were paths to explore for new ways of communicating to the people, especially with the broadcasting of videos on Internet. At the same time a strategic change, something they wanted to do but didn’t know how, could be started.
Health Promotion Switzerland wanted to stop the usual moralistic and paternalistic messages, and try a “responsible” communication and foster the transmission of energy and fun to induce a healthy behavior. So, why not make some short stop motion movies? And why not include the employees? Well, we did it.
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Five stop motion movies
We conceived and directed 5 stop motion movies. Thierry Weber and Greg Aegerter (Visual Players) shot and edited the movies. The movies’ aim was to induce a healthy behavior, instead of commanding people what to do. The director and several employees of Health Promotion Switzerland played in the movies. Because we believe that participation is a key factor of today’s communication and for any company that takes care of their people.
(Link to the images of the making of.)
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Slogan contest
With the five movies and five images we created a slogan contest for the French speaking persons that took place exclusively on Internet during six weeks in October and November 2009.
Description of the slogan contest(in French): Communique_presse_yourmove_officiel
A slideshow of the YourMove webpage (in French):
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Movie-summary of the contest, including the principal metrics (in French)
The snowboards were painted live during one day and given to the two winners of the contest at the factory of snowboards Nidecker. The following video is a summary of that day and the metrics of the contest.
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Another video of the winners’ day at Nidecker.
Here, you will find all the credits of the five stop motion movies and the contest:
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Image concept for photography and graphic treatment of images (no images):
CSID developed a completely new image concept for all types of use, print as well as digital, so photographers and graphic designers have the essential guidelines to create the best work for Health Promotion Switzerland.
In the first part, we defined that a photography made for health promotion should contain at least one of five factors. The second part proposes a set of possibilities to adapt graphically existing images in order to integrate them into the corporate identity.
After having developed the image concept, we made a first selection among all the images Health Promotion Switzerland had on stock that could be used for communication purposes.
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We took part on several workshops, too. One was the workshop for finding the criteria for choosing a new agency for Health Promotion Switzerland and then two more for actually selecting the agency. Another workshop was about the question if Health Promotion should create a health web platform. We covered the metrics and users’ media behavior.
Workshop New Agency (in German): GFS Workshop New Agency
Workshop Social Networks / Media Use (in German):
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A new game
And to end this post on the projects for the foundation Health Promotion Switzerland, CSID presents a new game.
How can we combine movement, fun, outdoor activity, creativity and corporate identity? A Pebble Puzzle. The slideshow shows the making of the prototype:
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The Client
The public foundation Health Promotion Switzerland
Health Promotion Switzerland is an institution that initiates, supports and carries out activities for the benefit of everyone’s health. It brings together within a single institution representatives of federal government, the Federal States, insurers, Suva, the medical profession, academia, associations active in the area of disease prevention and other partners. This organization allows key stakeholders to work together to promote health and improve the quality of life.
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