How ISO helps implement ideas. Ideas done? by Andre Progin, Daetwyler Cables, Altdorf

How ISO helps implement ideas. No video this time. But André Progin, Head of Sales Romandie of Daetwyler Cables in Altdorf had interesting things to say about implementation. […]

Implementation needs a well structured process and personal engagement. Ideas done? by Jonas Vonlanthen, Liip, Fribourg

Jonas Vonlanthen, Head of Strategic Projects West Switzerland at Liip, Fribourg, answered to the question in French: “What percentage of your ideas do you actually carry out ?”. […]

What hinders idea implementation in companies: the process itself, competition and hierarchy. Ideas done? by Pierre-Alain Schmid, Equinix, Geneva

What hinders idea implementation in companies: the process itself, competition and hierarchy. Pierre-Alain Schmid, Sales Manager Geneva, Equinix answered to the question in French: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. […]

24/27 Processus – Comment trouver la bonne idée ? – Conférence au ADI-ISEIG

24/27 Processus. L’innovation a besoin d’un cadre, d’un processus structuré. Ce qui crée le paradoxe du cadre de travail. […]

2 Forgotten attributes of innovators: patience and adaptability. And a third one.
