2/27 Questions de départ – Comment trouver la bonne idée ? – Conférence au ADI-ISEIG

Questions de départ

Peu importe la méthode ou l’outil d’idéation, ce sont toujours les mêmes questions qui nous intéressent.

  • Ces outils sont-ils vraiment utiles et efficaces ?
  • Est-ce une solution miracle pour trouver la bonne idée ?
  • Est-ce une mode qui va vite disparaître et nous pourrons revenir tranquillement au bon vieux brainstorming ?

D’un côté, Il y a beaucoup d’attentes irréelles. De l’autre, il y a souvent des barrages à tout ce qui est nouveau. Le chemin du milieu s’impose.

Digression sur l’importance de la bonne question

Il est primordial de poser la bonne question pour avoir une chance de recevoir la bonne réponse.

Passer du temps à formuler la bonne question, n’est jamais du temps perdu :

The Power of the Right Question
by Scott Anthony, February 10, 2011

Coming up with the right question isn’t easy. There may be an “a ha” moment in the shower, but many times the right question comes from conducting substantial market research, combing analogous industries for inspiration, holding structured discussions with experts, and having thoughtful discussions about a company’s real strategic constraints and objectives. Sometimes these efforts feel frustratingly disconnected with the charge of creating an innovative growth business, but the right framing can make the right answer self evident.

The next time you or your team start generating ideas, stop. Step back. Make sure you’ve thought about the question you’re trying to answer. Trust me: it will be worth the extra time.

Digression sur l’importance de la bonne demande d’innovation

Toute possibilité d’innovation a aussi ses limites matérielles. J’ai beau demander à mon équipe d’être innovante, parfois il y a réellement peu de possibilités. Voici un exemple dans une cuisine d’hôpital (texte complet) :

Did You Ask the Right Question?
By Breanne Harris on February 14, 2011

In Grad School I had a professor who told the greatest stories. His stories generally came from his experience and always had a great business lessons. He particularly liked to tell stories about when he was a young man and was a cook in a hospital kitchen. If I had a dime for every time he said “Did I ever tell you about the time when I was a cook in a hospital kitchen?” I’d be able to pay off my student loans.

He taught us about how hospitals save money by re-purposing the food they prepare for patients. Today’s vegetable medley will become tomorrow’s vegetable stew, which will become the next day’s vegetable pot pie. I guess this isn’t shocking to most people, but as someone who never eats leftovers I was not pleased.

The hospital executives believed that too much food was going to waste, and decided to give bonuses to the kitchen staff for reducing waste based on innovative food re-purposing. The staff was required to dump all food waste into trash bins which were weighed as a measure of total food waste per day. Reducing the number of pounds of food waste would result in a bonus for the kitchen staff.

The kitchen staff quickly realized there are only so many ways to re-use a hamburger, so they found a new solution to the wasted food dilemma (and a quick way to receive their bonus). Before dumping the wasted food in the trash cans, they drained as much water from the food as possible. This reduced the weight significantly and the hospital execs believed they were saving the hospital tons of money. However, when food costs didn’t change, the execs were confused. How could the waste rate be down (via innovative food re-purposing) but overall food costs remain the same?

They investigated for fraud in accounting. They examined the historical data of their food costs to be sure there wasn’t a price increase from their vendors recently. They double-checked their numbers. Nothing made sense.

They never asked themselves if the measure itself was accurate. They never asked the kitchen cooking staff if they changed their waste measurement techniques. They never asked the right question.

Si ma question n’est pas juste et si ma demande n’est pas réaliste, je n’obtiendrai jamais le résultat escompté.

Prochain billet: 3/27 Ah, les idées…

Cliquez ici pour lire le premier billet 1/27 : diaporama et plan de présentation.
Vous pouvez télécharger la présentation sur SlideShare.

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