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Two Bonus Videos:
Click here to watch Anne.E. Michie reading eight of 136 embroidered sentences of “Once so lost…” and click here to see the artist working during her stay in Switzerland.
Risk-in/g Disclosure
Risk-in/g Disclosure, between ourselves. Let’s take a chance on showing, sharing, telling and trusting.
There are risks involved when putting on an exhibition: the artist, in responding to those deep, inner impulses of thoughts, emotions, sensations, images or whatever, by whichever most appropriate means, decides to express them as a work of art. Once out in her own personal arena of a studio, she then might decide to show them to the public, whoever that might be.
A curator could be involved in this process of liasing between artist and public. Perhaps you’ll come to see the show and what will you find? And what do you seek to add, by way of your own experiences, expectations and perceptions? Looked at from everyone’s stand point, it’s easy to see that risks arise all down the line. And that line often concerns differentials between private and public domains, integrity being critical for the artist throughout the whole process.
“Once so lost…” (Watch video)
This show comprises a piece which celebrates the end of an affair, told across 136 hand embroidered handkerchieves, 2006 – 2010. So much emotion wept from this artist’s heart, articulated in a lengthy, at times poetic monologue, perhaps dialogue, in the absence of the other. All cried out, all sewn out, the messages reach renewal, restoration and resolution, all fractures healed, thus past, enabling tranquility to dwell happily within. The hankies then unpacked and hung on the wall, so completing that strange alchemical process that transforms sorrow into art and beauty.
“Queen Anne’s Renaissance Tree”
Hand embroidered – double – curtain from 2010, with wooden “window”, confettis and two wooden curtain rods. (2.20m x 1.08m)
Queen Anne Boleyn’s piece: That poor lady was executed, on her husband, King Henry VIII of England’s orders. She returns here in an olive tree, of peace, again I’ve embroidered trunk, branches and leaves. There’s a window above, perhaps from her prison cell, or to the heavens, after her death, redemptive even: an ever present window. The tree is adorned with confetti from her coronation, gathered and then given me to inspire a piece, from a (Globe Theatre, London) performance of Shakespeare’s play, their story. Confetti as fruit and flower, blossoms of hope.
“Find in me”
Hand embroidered white shirt, 2010.
John Berger wrote me a poem to use in my work and I’ve sewn it to show you, as he suggested.
Five hand embroidered handkerchieves, 2010.
“Risk-in/g Disclosure”
Four hand produced text books, 2010.
And it’s with hope and peace settled in my self that I show you these works and look forward to your response, your enjoyment, pleasures shared, from my hands, heart and eye, to yours. There, really not so risky after all! Mutual trust established between us. For me, loving acceptance, combined with courage and substantial work has allowed such vulnerability to be exposed on these gallery walls. Future paths to be painted now present once unimagined freedoms patterned with beauty, sown with love: better blooms to flourish.
Anne.E. Michie. Barcelona, 2010.
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