Ideas done? Thomas P. Aebersold, GmbH, Bern

Thomas P. Aebersold, owner of the agency GmbH in Bern answered to the question in English: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. […]

Continuity is a criterion for the quality of an idea. Ideas done? Enric Massip-Bosch, EMBA estudi, Barcelona

Continuity is a criterion for the quality of an idea. What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company? asked the idea detective Enric Massip, architect in Barcelona. His answer in Catalan. […]

Ideas done? Marita Sliepen, EMBA estudi, Barcelona

What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company? asked the idea detective Marita Sliepen, general manager of the architecture studio EMBA in Barcelona. Her answer in Catalan. […]

Two complementary ways to waste ideas: idea contests of L’Oreal and Dyson

L’Oréal and Dyson organize idea contests and waste the ideas. Both could do much more if they decided to adopt a contemporary view of the resource “people”. […]