Ideas done? Marita Sliepen, EMBA estudi, Barcelona

What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company? asked the idea detective Marita Sliepen, general manager of the architecture studio EMBA in Barcelona. Her answer in Catalan. […]

Concept paper for EMBA estudi, architects of Telefonica’s Torre Zero Zero in Barcelona

EMBA estudi, Barcelona, asked CSID idea detectives a concept paper and a first general proposition for the new Tower Zero Zero of Telefonica (Barcelona), the leading telecommunications operator in the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking world, will have a big entrance hall. […]

Valere Novarina: First living artist allowed to paint in the Museum Picasso, Barcelona

Valere Novarina: First living artist allowed to paint in the Museum Picasso, Barcelona. […]

Brigitte Rambaud, director of CSID showroom Medamothi, curated Valere Novarina in Barcelona (text in English and French)

Brigitte Rambaud, director of CSID showroom Medamothi, curated the exhibition of the renowned French author and painter Valere Novarina. Many images to see. Novarina painting in the Museum Picasso. Paccoud acting the music his playing. (Text in English and French) […]